Friday, May 30, 2008

Presentation at Wipro Electronics City

Mail and telephonic discussions with Wipro and we decided to do a plastic awareness presentation and on how to responsibly use and dispose plastics at each of the 15 locations of the Wipro offices. Each presentation is to be followed up with a trip to clean ..

The first of the Shrinkhala or series is set for the 30 May ...

Deepa Mohan conducted the session, at the Electronics city office .. Notes from her mail about the presentation.

I was really happy that there was a lot of questions and interaction from many members in the group after I finished speaking...and I found that many of the members of the audience were brimming with ideas, not only to partner with Clean and Green, but also about trying to make a
difference in small ways on their campus itself.

I was very happy to see that we were addressing individuals who are already pretty socially

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