Monday, January 15, 2007

Note from a Visitor

This is a note sent by an angler and a frequent visitor to India and of course the banks of Cauvery.

Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 3:12 AM
Subject: Clean and Green

I am a regular visitor to India generally, and Karnataka in particular. On my last visit, I attended a conference in Mysore, where the Guest of Honour was Mr D.T.Jayakumar, the Karnataka State Minister for Tourism.

Mr Jayakumar asked me what I felt could be done to improve the image of India in th eyes of Westerners, and I told him the most simple step would be to tackle the problem of littering.

I will be visiting again from February to April of this year and will be pleased to report to both Mr Jayakumar and Mr Singh at the Incredible India office in Bangalore what an impact the Clean and Green scheme is having on the fishing stretches of the middle Kaveri.

As the main protector and guardian of the forests in Karnataka, I hope you understand the importance of the work that Clean and Green are doing. Not only for those who want to fish on the middle stretches of the Kaveri, but for all those whose lives revolve around the river and everyone who wants to enjoy this unique environment.

Under the Constitution of India, article 48a states that there is a duty to improve the environment, particularly with regard to wildlife. Hopefully Clean and Green can assist you in this valuable work.

Many thanks for your participation,
Steve Lockett
Coarsefish-Torbay for:
News and views from the West Country

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